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Spring and Summer Dance

Join us for shorter dance sessions- one in spring (May/June ) and one in summer (July/August)! 

This is the perfect time to try something new, build new skill, master technique, and continue building stronger relationships with fellow dancers and staff.  Our spring and summer sessions have a strong focus on TECHNIQUE and skill building with added fun from learning new combos each week!

Summer Session 2024 June 29-August 22

Summer 2024 Packet!    





Spring Session 2024- May 14-June 6


Kick your child’s summer blues and keep them busy and in a routine with a  3-4 day summer camp with us!  This is a great time to try out FDC if you’re new and looking for classes or to continue fine tuning skills.  We strive to make dancing fun while instilling work ethic, learning and growing for all of our students.

Summer 2023 Offerings

Spring 2023 Schedule